Extra Heavy Duty Escalator Step Chain

Dealing with heavy commuter traffic is a problem not all commercial escalators have to deal with, but in some of the busiest cities in the world there are much heavier levels of commuter traffic, and in these circumstances safety is key. This is where our precision engineered Extra Heavy Duty chains come into their element.





The height of our bespoke design and engineering solutions, these chains are designed to traverse much steeper pitches than the regular commercial series of chains, this combined with the much greater level of traffic, requires these chains to have a much higher tensile strength and wear durability.

These chains usually incorporate the most intense design features in order to be as reliable as possible, especially considering the safety margin for these conveyors are particularly important. This is why we put quality and reliability at the forefront of our manufacturing process.


 HD-C Axle Assembly 

If you have any questions, why not contact our technical sales team on +44 1384 455455, or follow the contact link at the top of the page,


The Precision Chains Team,